Center for Environment & Society
通过体验式学习、社区和公民参与以及研究,CES做好了准备 大学生解决我们星球和未来面临的最紧迫的问题 its people.
The Center for Environment & Society serves as a bridge between Washington College and the rich natural and human resources of the region. Lecture series, workshops, 电影和研讨会提供了新的视角和专业发展机会 for the campus and the larger community. Competitively awarded student fellowships 让学生们解决现实世界的问题,让他们建立一份简历并建立 connections in the professional world. In the innovative Chesapeake Semester, students 范围遍及整个分水岭,探索切萨皮克的人物,地点和问题 Bay in all of their complexity. The Center supports faculty teaching and research through collaboration and by providing access to a variety of resources. It also has led the College in meeting its obligations under the American College & University 校长气候承诺,同时作为校园回收,能源的催化剂 savings and the search for alternative energy. The knowledge gained in this effort 已转移到周边各市、县,允许他们 achieve significant cost-savings, while lowering their carbon footprints.
切萨皮克地方承认,为了了解现状和我们的前进方向, we need to understand where we have been. It melds cultural and natural resource management, 另外强调生态和遗产旅游作为一个重要的区域 economic engine.
The River & 野外校园(RAFC)提供5000英亩的农田和森林用于研究 以及300英亩的实验草地和工头的草地 Branch Bird Observatory. These resources broaden research and teaching opportunities 并加强学院与东海岸的工作景观和农业的联系. It will in the future be the home of a student-run farm.
自然土地项目是一个大型景观项目,旨在恢复原生草、湿地、 and forest throughout the region, on private and public lands. With its grasslands 在RAFC成功恢复的基础上,这一努力改善了生物多样性 and water quality is the largest habitat restoration project in the state.
流域创新实验室和它的切斯特河流域天文台是一个雄心勃勃的 努力全面测试、分析、了解运动和质量 流域里的水,在细节上没有其他地方能达到这样的规模. 它为切萨皮克湾提供了更精细的模型和一种可能的方法 be transferred to other parts of the country.
该中心的地理信息系统(GIS)项目利用了最前沿的空间技术 分析技术的工作范围很广,包括分析城市问题 树冠和绿色基础设施,生物多样性和土地利用,犯罪地图, habitat and ecosystem mapping, and community visioning. The GIS Lab and resources 例如研究船(46英尺和27英尺)提供研究和培训机会 不仅是为了九州娱乐官网,也是为了当地的学生和老师.
通过这些项目和其他项目,中心与社区合作,提供 tools, resources, and expertise to solve local problems. Other projects include: community 愿景,社区聚集在一起,就当地价值观达成共识 take charge of their future; analysis of land-use policies and comprehensive planning; tree planting and shoreline restoration projects; oyster gardening and fisheries restoration; professional development and training; and a wide variety of technical support. Washington College students, the primary constituents of the Center for Environment & Society, 参与所有这些项目,把他们的学术培训工作的同时 learning by doing.
我们生活在一个环境和相关社会问题迅速增加的世界 reaching crisis levels. As we work toward resolution, we especially need to cultivate a new generation of creative, solution-oriented leaders for the future. Everything 我们确实培养了我们的本科生——下一代领导者——来帮助解决问题 21世纪最紧迫的环境问题,通过创新的课程, 现实世界的经验,尖端技术的培训,以及新的思维方式.
Our vision is a Chesapeake Bay and watershed that is healthy and thriving; one in which natural systems and human communities are in balance. Strong interdisciplinary academic programs promote the integration of environmental and social values; through 应用,现实世界的工作,我们准备我们的毕业生平衡和富有成效的公民, 熟练而敏捷的专业人士,我们自然和文化的捍卫者和管家 resources.
九州娱乐官网环境与社会中心成立于1999年 促进跨学科的学习,研究和示范管理的自然 and cultural resources. Its primary objective is to support the integration of ecological and social values.
在早期,该中心主要关注可持续农业问题 在马里兰州东海岸,以及提高学院的教育计划 environmental studies curriculum. In cooperation with the Department of Sociology & 人类学,关键的新数据管理和分析技术,如地理 Information Systems, were brought to campus.
虽然CES的使命自成立以来一直保持不变,但它的能力 have expanded significantly since 2006. Programs have grown from regional agricultural 可持续发展和环境教育,包括河口研究和海洋 生境评估,后者的重点引起了国家的注意和兴趣 Park Service. 认识到该中心是通往世界上最伟大的公司之一的门户 河口——切萨皮克湾,中心,再次与考古学合作, 获得的遥感设备包括侧扫声纳、海洋磁力计、 声学海底分类系统和水文测量软件,给出了 Center the ability to expand its focus from the land into the water. Augmented significantly 通过奖学金支持的实习和研究助理项目,中心的 modest endowment has allowed staffing to expand and solidify.
该中心继续为九州娱乐官网的学生提供了解的机会 充分认识人与自然环境的关系,并为他们提供良好的环境 所需的技术知识、实践经验和美学观点 advance that relationship for the benefit of future generations.
Who we areMeet our staff
RESEARCH WITH CESLearn about research happening here
Chesapeake Places Study cultural landscapes
ces waterfront campusOur facilities and resources
Student OpportunitiesDiscover internships & experiences
GIS Program Map your future
River and Field Campus A living laboratory
Chesapeake Semester Interdisciplinary watershed study
Natural Lands Project Restore natural habitats
News & Events Follow the action
Bird Observatory Foreman's Branch Bird Observatory
Watershed Innovation Lab Dive deep